Tempus Attitude Survey

Serbian Students’ Attitudes towards Mathematics and Mathematical Education
Tempus Attitude Survey (TAS) 2013–2014 Report Program

Authors: Kristóf Fenyvesi, Raine Koskimaa, Ruth Mateus-Berr, Ljiljana Radovic, Djurdjica Takaci, Suncica Zdravkovic, Klelija Zivkovic

Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 2014, 172 p.
ISBN: 978-951-39-5970-8

Available at

During 2013-2014, the team of the Tempus project “Visuality & Mathematics: Experiential Education of Mathematics through Visual Arts, Sciences and Playful Activities”, No. 530394-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-HU-TEMPUS-JPHES conducted 3 rounds of attitude surveys.

The first large survey commenced in 2013 and the second, in 2014. Both explored the attitude of Serbian students towards mathematics in general and towards the education of mathematics. Based on the first round of survey results, we provided special training for teachers in experiential education of mathematics and asked them to utilize our methods for a full academic year in their schools, and then we conducted the second large survey to assess the effects of the new teaching techniques. Another short survey was conducted, investigating the success of the Summer Schools organized within the framework of our Tempus project. All results were used to make specific recommendations for the future development of the mathematics curriculum in Serbian education of mathematics at all levels.