Training a new generation to accomplish the pre­requisites established by a knowledge-based comp­etitive society and economy is a significant goal to reach. Our project aims to achieve this goal by supporting the development of technology and the pragmatic educational methods of the educational institutions and their teachers and tutors in Serbia. We also intend to raise students’ interest for mathematics and sciences and make these disciplines more appealing to the youth, invoking inter- and trans-disciplinary instruments.
The ultimate purpose of this development project is to expand and modernize the tools' system used in the field of mathematics and other sci­enc­es.
Above all the methodology of the Visual Mathe­mat­ics project offers a great possibility for teachers to present mathematics creatively, and in an in­ter­est­ing, appealing way. The 24-months program and the comprised two Summer Schools and Expe­ri­ence Workshops are constructed in a way that the subsidiary materials and tools used for education purposes are involved from everyday life spiced up by artistic techniques which are very catchy for the youth. Thus this project uniquely combines mathe­mat­ics with art, and other ordi­nary assets with the intention of attracting Serbian children to learn mathematics, and inspiring them to improve their achievement in sci­enc­es.